How to Apply Distro Upgrade (apt upgrade) on Jetson Modules?
Hardware: DSBOX-NX2
OS: Jetpack 4.5
In this blog post, we will prevent the L4T packages’ upgrading on “apt upgrade” or “apt-get upgrade” commands. First, we will hold the “nvidia-l4t-*” packages to upgrade. Then, we will upgrade our all packages without them.
Holding the L4T Packages
Open a terminal and type this command below:
sudo apt-mark hold 'nvidia-l4t-*'

As you can see that, all “nvidia-l4t-*” packages set on hold.
Now, let’s update all packages with APT.
Upgrading All Packages Without L4T
To check the updates on all packages, type this command on terminal:
sudo apt-get update

Then, you can try to upgrade them:
sudo apt-get upgrade

At the beginning of this command, you can see all hold packages will keep back.
At this point, press “y” to accept installing packages on the Jetson module.

A few minutes later... (it depends on network speed)

At the end of the upgrading step, you can check it again.

As you can see that, the holding command works.
Thank you for reading our blog post.