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How to enable Stereolabs ZED cameras for DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN?


1- Software Installation & BSP Modification

2- Testing the Video Stream



with GMSL2 Camera Board

OS: JetPack-6.1

In this blog post, we will install Stereolabs' ZED camera driver with our customized BSP package. First, we will install ZED SDK and the camera driver. Then, we will test with ZED-X camera with ZED_Explorer.

Software Installation & BSP Modification

To begin with, please follow the installation guide if you have not flashed the DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN before. On our side, we flashed JetPack-6.2 by following this guide and installed the SDK Components (without DeepStream).

Then, download the these packages from GitHub:
, ZED Driver, custom BSP for DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN

Afterwards, run the following command to extract the custom BSP


Start the ZED SDK installation with these commands below:

sudo apt install -y zstd
chmod +x

It will start with the license page. Scroll down to read it and/or press "q" to close.

Press "y" to accept the license.

Press "y" to install the samples and press [Enter] to install them to the default location.

Press [Enter] to install all recommended APT packages.

Press "y" and press [Enter] to install Python API. This will install all recommended Python packages for python3.

At the end of the Python API installation, it will ask to download AI models. If you will use them, you can press "y" to do this. On our setup, we downloaded them.

After the AI models downloaded, it will ask to optimize them. This step will take a very long time. That's why, we skipped this by pressing "n". At the end of the ZED SDK installation, the next step is installing the ZED driver and the custom BSP.

Run the following commands below to install the driver with our custom BSP file and reboot the Jetson:

sudo dpkg -i ./stereolabs-zedbox-onx16_1.2.2-LI-MAX96712-all-ZEDBOX-L4T36.4.0_arm64.deb
rm stereolabs-zedbox-onx16_1.2.2-LI-MAX96712-all-ZEDBOX-L4T36.4.0_arm64.deb
sudo mv tegra234-p3737-camera-forecr-gmsl-board.dtbo /boot/tegra234-p3737-camera-zedbox-onx16-sl-overlay.dtbo

Testing the Video Stream

After the Jetson rebooted, the cameras will be available to access.

Open a terminal and type this command below:


Thank you for reading our blog post.