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JetPack 4.5 Update for Forecr Products Based on NVIDIA® Jetson™ Nano™


Hardware: DSBOARD-NX2

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

This blogpost is suitable for:

• NVIDIA Jetson Nano SOM with DSBOARD-NX2 Carrier Board


In this blogpost, we used DSBOX-N2 for Jetpack 4.5 update but you can use other suitable choices with the same steps.

Installing JetPack on Jetson Nano

First of all, connect the recovery (between installer pc & DSBOX-N2's recovery usb), ethernet & power connection of your DSBOX-N2. Open a terminal on your installer pc then type "watch lsusb".

When DSBOX-N2's power connector plugged in,

• press power button then wait for boot led lights up.

• press reset & recovery buttons together

• release reset button

• and release the recovery button after 3 seconds later.

You should see "NVidia Corp." title in the terminal.

Next, set your configurations in the Nvidia SDK Manager.

Accept the license agreement and continue to step 3.

Nvidia SDK Manager asks your password to installation. Fill it and continue.

After all packages have been downloaded, Jetson OS will be installed on the Jetson Nano.

The SDK Manager asks your DSBOX-N2's username and password. We will continue from here at the second part.

To avoid kernel update with "apt upgrade" or "apt-get upgrade" commands, please follow this guide on the Jetson module.

Installing Jetson SDK Components

On the second part, complete the SDK Manager installation progress. Configure your DSBOX-N2's Ubuntu installation progress (language, keyboard type, location, username & password etc.).

Type your username and password in SDK Manager then click "Install".

Updating the device tree file 

Finally, update your dtb and copy kernel image file. Connect the recovery USB and set the device in recovery mode as in the first part.

Get the dtb file to kernel/dtb folder at the end of the post. The full path of the folder is (for JetPack 4.5):

• ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.5_Linux_JETSON_NANO/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb

Put your DSBOX-N2 in recovery mode and check it from the terminal.

Open another terminal and type these commands:

cd ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.5_Linux_JETSON_NANO/Linux_for_Tegra/
sudo ./ -r -k DTB jetson-nano-emmc mmcblk0p1

The dtb file is successfully updated.

Copy the kernel image which attached below to the DSBOX-N2 from host pc with scp command.

scp Image nvidia@

Connect to your DSBOX-N2 via ssh then execute the below commands.

ssh nvidia@
sudo mv Image /boot
sudo reboot

Thank you for reading our blog post.